Monday, December 12, 2005

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow

My boys love to be outside. All of them. They were all so excited to go outside and play in the snow. Our backyard has this great little slope to it and it is perfect for toddler sledding. Caleb loved it when Joseph would push him so fast that the sled would topple over and he would go rolling down the hill in the snow. That child has the greatest belly laugh that he saves for the most fun events in his life. This was one of them. Luke doesn’t love the cold, but absolutely loves to be outdoors so will tolerate the cold. He didn’t love going down the hill quite like big brother did, but was content just to be pulled around. It was a great afternoon of fun for my boys and when they came in Momma was waiting for them with some hot cocoa. Momma doesn’t care for the cold either!

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