Thursday, April 12, 2007

32 weeks and 3 days, but who's counting?!?!

Well, I'm 32 weeks this week, I measure at 40 weeks and I feel like I've been pregnant my entire life! I could go through a list of woe's that I am having currently, but why depress myself. Instead let's focus on the good stuff. I had an ultrasound on Monday and the girls look great! They are measuring at 4.5 pds and 4.7 pds, both breech and facing each other. Actually, they did a 3D ultrasound and they were face to face looking like they were sharing some secrets. I think they were plotting different ways to keep me up at night and make me more uncomfortable. I guess it takes very stratigic planning to time kicking me in my bladder so that I'm up every hour. Anyway, my girls looked super cute in their 3D portrait. (I would share that picture with you, but we can't get the scanner to work at this moment.) I'm concerned about the breech situation and don't want a c-section, but was given some hope by my doc's that they have a fairly high success rate at turning twins. I've watched a single baby's attempt at being turned on a Baby Story and can say in all honesty that it doesn't look pretty and looks quite painful. Okay, so let's not think about that anymore!

On to my favorite subject the girls room! It is coming along at a much slower pace than I would prefer. That is actually my fault since I need to get a few things at the store, paint and a few other things that I have NO energy for! I told Joseph recently that the 3 things I want most these days are a wheelchair (preferably motorized), a shower chair and a bed pan. I didn't get the feeling that he would be running out to the store to purchase any of the above mentioned! Back to the room, as soon as it is complete I will be posting pictures!!

Above are some pictures of my current state. I crave veggies, green salad and rainbow sherbert. Joseph and I have a tendency to use my stomach as a table. That had been working out quite well until recently. Baby B has decided to stick her head out, so I have this awkward & painful bump portruding out of my otherwise round stomach.

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