SO the Maddry house has been the…MAD House lately. Starting the day after Thanksgiving Joseph has been studying hard & long for the test and quiz that he had last week. He had 3 case studies due today and has a big test on Friday. Then next week he has 2 finals. So there had been stress and anxiety in our home last week. What finally put me over the edge was on Friday when Baby Bear got sick. He had fluids coming out of both ends and, as all of you with toddlers know, it is hard to hold the sick baby, tend to the mess all over the house AND take care of the 3 year old who is totally consumed with his needs. We had nothing to clean the carpet and I needed medicine for the baby so I HAD to call my Love to come home from school to help me. And of course he came without a complaint. He hadn’t planned on coming home until late in the evening and was planning on studying all weekend. I knew that and felt guilty about calling him and asking him to come home. When he came home I had a total meltdown. I felt overwhelmed by my sick child & demanding 3 year old and felt guilt over needing my husband during a very busy & stressful time in his life. I was a mess! A disaster would probably be a better word for it. So with delay, in order to throw a tantrum with kicking & screaming, I called out to God and without delay he came to the rescue. Our weekend was still hard (Caleb & I got sick, Luke stayed sick and Joseph didn’t get much studying done) but the peace that was over our house was the kind that only God could give. Our priorities shifted. We were once again reminded of God’s role & our place in this journey we are on. God POURED grace & mercy on us. Thank you, Lord, for your gentle teaching, sweet reassurance and much patience that you show to us. I read this this morning and thought it was perfect for me today:
If I’m loving others the way I’m loving myself, we’re all in trouble. May God awaken me to my life so I can help my kids be awake to theirs.
O God of rest and rejuvenation, guide me to find ways to let your nurturing reach me. I need to be healthy and well-rested in order to provide, lead, and inspire. Burning the candle at both ends all the time is hardly an example I’m proud of.
~ A Mother’s Daily Prayer Book
***as and end note…being sick yesterday did give me the time to sleep, rest & relax so thank you Lord for sickness too.**