Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My little imaginary trouble maker

Caleb is a funny, funny, IMAGINATIVE boy! I’ve never met a child with such an imagination. I was hoping to shield him at this age from friends that are bad influences but what does a mom do when her sons friend who is a bad influence is imaginary? Caleb has an imaginary friend named Shawn and Shawn wasn’t raised with the same rules as Caleb. Shawn doesn’t get out of bed until it’s time to literally walk out the door, then Caleb makes us wait until Shawn is ready before we can go. Shawn doesn’t like to wear his seat belt in the car, often takes it off while we're driving, & has to be reminded numerous times that we don’t tell people, “I’m gonna kick your butt”. Shawn apparently doesn’t like to do our devotions in the morning either. So now instead of 2 boys to discipline I have 3! Whew, that’s exhausting. Maybe God is getting me ready for something?...

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