Friday, February 05, 2010

Please skip this post if you aren't ready to hear a Mad woman have an insecure moment

It's that time of year again. Time to reevaluate our schooling options for the little Darlings. This time of the year can really make me feel like a failure if I allow it. Big time failure.

I wish I could homeschool (well!) while chasing down 2 year old twins, with a husband who has a crazy schedule, still enjoying working out like I do and being involved in organizations that I really believe in.

Really, is that too much to ask. Not for many of my friends.

But for me, yes. See, this is where the failure comes in...if I let it.

Okay, so never mind if I could do it, is that what I'm called to do? Let's go there for a moment. God is this what you want from me? Because I'll do it. Not sure how well, but I'll give it a (semi)reluctant try.

(pause waiting to hear God audibly speak)

Did you hear anything concrete? Yeah, me either. So let's run down what we know.

Do I like the boys school? Yes
Do the boys like their school? (resounding) Yes
Are they learning the same Godly principles at school that we teach at home? Yes (Why lie, probably more!)
Can we afford to send them to Christian school? Yes (but as I write that check every month, it is sacrificial and I would be lying if I said I didn't imagine myself in Pottery Barn shopping with that money for a few moments.)
Can I still be involved in their lives while they are in school? Definitely, I've already told y'all this room mom gig could be a full time job!

Yep, it sounds like they are in a good place. I think that we are all in a good place. Sometimes hard, but definitely good.

In a perfect world, I would be this amazing home school teacher (we are already stretching pretty far here, because I don't like to teach - see tutorial below) who eats only organic, cooks everything from scratch then documents it with amazing pictures and tutorials on her blog, sews the kids clothes, runs marathons, teaches yoga, teaches Sunday school, volunteers, crafts, has a clean house with a boys bathroom that doesn't stink of urine, writes meaningful notes to all her friends and has relations with her husband every hour on the hour.

We are definitely not in a prefect world.

But, thank you Jesus, it's a blessed one! And thank you for speaking to me, through little blog posts.

(BTW - it's also time to make a decision on if I want to put the girls in anything next year. My amazing friend already had to talk me through it yesterday and I have a feeling there is still more talking that needs to be done!)


The Westphals said...


Please know that those of us who homeschool are FAR from perfect. I know there are some moms who seem like they are, but even they aren't. Most of us are just moms trying to do what we are being called to do and trying to do the best we can. We make it through only by the grace of God!


Sincerely Anna said...

It sounds like you've got a great school for your boys and I'm so jealous of that! I'm praying about private school (and scholarships!) for later on. What are your options for the girls? I'm looking into a day at MDO and am SO excited!

Anonymous said...

A few days ago when we were talking about kids and how drastically it will change our lives I mentioned to Dan how you always seem to have it all together. If you dont, you are the only one that knows it. You are doing a mighty fine job my friend. Jesus smiles over your sweet love for your kiddies. You are not perfect but He is and He lives in you giving you an unending supply of grace!

Kellie said...

You know what part I quite literally laughed OUT loud about - practically snorted, in fact. Your boys (and) girls are great and you are an amazing mommy, whose daily advice I miss terribly. What would you tell someone else in your situation? Follow that b/c you are a fantastic advisor!!
And as a side note I just cannot picture how the homeschooling would go with Mr. Lukey Magoo. I just laughed out loud again picturing that cute look on his face!!