It's 7:28am and all is quiet at the Mad House. All my little people (and Daddy) are still sleeping. I hope that this is a glimpse of what
heaven our summer mornings will look like.
I leave tomorrow for Boston and haven't even started packing. Which is really unusual for me. Usually when we are going anywhere I start packing and getting things ready a week in advance - making list and piling things on the guest bedroom that we will need for a trip. You can imagine all that we need (and don't need for that matter) for this Mad House.
This trip is different. It's just me. I don't need 2 pack'n'plays, 30 diapers (which lasts us barely 3 days, people!), backpacks filled with toys and games for the boys, 8+sippy cups, minimally 41 sets of clothes for the kids (daytime and pj's)....really the list is ridiculous.
It's just going to be me, my suitcase and -this is the most exciting part- a magazine or book!!!!!
What I have been working on for the past week, though, is a schedule and notes for when I am gone. I really should post that because it will give you a glimpse into my very psychotic mind.
I'm just not sure you are ready to go there. It would be fun though...
Oh, yeah - I have had many an inquiry about why I am going to Boston. One of my BFF's, Emily, is there and I am going to go and hang out with her for a long weekend. She is there for her brother's shwanky wedding and wanted a date. I've never been to a shmancy fancy wedding celebration, so this is exciting. Oh, and I have never been to Boston either. And I really don't know what else I will be doing or where else I will be going.
The whole trip is going to be an adventure and I love adventures. Before giving birth to my oldest child, I used to be quite adventurous. Some would even say wild and carefree. Some would probably even say too wild and carefree. I haven't seen those traits in a looong time. I thought I pushed them out with my placenta, but have decided that they are still there. Somewhere. Somewhere deep.
And my goal is to find them this weekend.
My sister is coming to love on and take care of my chillin's. Please pray for her. I don't think she has the foggiest idea what she is embarking on. Seriously. This is a girl that doesn't get out of bed before noon and thinks a long day is going to class for 3 hours and then to the gym for 30 minutes. She told me that once. If she thinks that is a long day, she will think these days are marathons. I have faith in her. My notes should guide her. And Joseph will pseudo be here and my mama is coming in for the weekend to help her too. 3 people should be able to do my job, right?
My kids will be fine.
My kids will be fine.
My kids will be fine.
I really hope I find that carefree part soon...