Sunday, April 19, 2009

I'm pulling out the red pen

So I think it's time to check in for a little accountability. Remember when I posted my New Year's Determinations? Well, I'm three months into the new year and my hope is that there has been some change. Let's see...
  • Run at least 2 half marathons this year. I wrote this goal before I had to take 8 weeks off from running because of my uncooperative knee. And because I live in the desert, race season ends early here. So, realistically I've had to adjust my goals to 1 half marathon in November and a fun mud race in October. The important thing here is that I am running again, with minimal knee pain! Whoooo-hooo. Bottom line I'm giving myself a A+ in my efforts so far!
  • Learn something new. Two words: Yoga, Baby!! I have been faithfully going, twice a week, for the past couple of months and LOVE IT! A+ in my efforts so far!
  • Have monthly "dates" with each member of my family. This one has been hard because Joseph's schedule has been so awful. I have been able to do a good job with a couple of members and then no-so-good with others, namely the twinkies. C+ in my efforts so far.
  • Invest in my quiet time. There has been a lot of growth in this area. There just needs to be more consistency! B+ in my efforts so far.
  • Memorize scripture! Three words: MUST...GET...MOVING!! I have done a very poor job with this one. FAILURE in my efforts so far. F+
  • Find an accountability partner. Oh, yeah, baby! I am so excited about this one. God once again proves faithful! This has been life changing and I plan to blog about it soon. A+ and check plus!

And there you have it! Thanks for holding me accountable (even if you don't know you are) and for walking this journey of change with me.

BTW - how are you doing with your resolutions?

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

You are doing well with yours, even if you don't give yourself an A in each one. You're trying, and that's awesome! And don't forget, resolutions can change or be adjusted if they need to be. At least that's what I always tell myself!

I deliberately didn't make any resolutions this year because I didn't think I could keep them. So, so far I've done great! A+ all the way!