Friday, July 20, 2007

Our Daddy and my Lovey is coming home tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm SUPER excited!! I was thinking about it though and I find it quite humorous *not really* that he is coming home after the really rough nights with the girls are over! This past week has been wonderful with the girls sleeping 6-8 hours, eating and going right back to sleep. Up until then it was awful! Lots of waking up and drama. And I did it all by myself for 5 weeks! I can't believe I did it!! I really am proud of myself. And so glad that I don't have to do it again for a while.
I can't wait to see Joseph's face when he sees his kiddo's. Especially the baby girlfriends. Since he left they have grown so much, are smiling, tracking us with their eyes, in a sleeping routine, and sleeping through the night. Luke's vocabulary has exploded and he is talking very clearly and in sentences. And Caleb has really matured, throws less fits and is so helpful with Luke.
So much happens around here in 5 weeks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was great to see the family reunite with their daddy today at the airport. I love how families come together and support eachother. Families really do need a mom and a dad! I had so much fun at the "Madd" house. Thanks for letting me be apart of it for a week.