Monday, July 23, 2007

"Who's Coming Next?"

Those were the words out of Caleb's mouth after we dropped off "Aunt Katie" off at the airport. For the past 10 weeks our door has been revolving with friends and family coming and going. It does seem kinda weird that life will be going back to "normal". And what is normal for us? I was sick for so long, then pregnant, then a zombie from nights with the girls and being a single parent. Before that we had just moved here so I was discovering my way around, trying to get involved in church and learning how to be mom to the boys while Joseph was working long hours at the hospital. Yeah, I think we are going to be creating a new "normal". That is exciting!

Joseph is back home with us and that is also quite exciting. The boys were so happy to see him and as soon as we got home wanted to wrestle. Nobody wrestles like Daddy! They clung to him, hugged on him and you could see all over his face how happy he was to be home. It warmed my heart to see him with his boys and girls. Words can't describe how awesome it is to have him home. It has been so nice for me too. I have help with the girls one middle of the night feeding and after doing the nights by myself for 5 weeks it has been nice to have company. After Joseph's first night home I asked him how he slept and he relied, "Like a baby." He gets the girls for me and brings them to me to eat and then puts them back down after they eat. It's not that he does much, but that little bit and knowing that he's there is magic! I've slept better the last 2 nights than I have since October. I'm beginning to feel like a new person!

We took the boys on a breakfast double date (minus the girls who were at home napping with Angela) and at the end of the meal Joseph took Luke to change him because he was "poopy". I think that sealed the deal and was the deciding factor for potty training Luke. As soon as we got home Joseph got started. And has been SURPRISINGLY successful!!! Luke has been peeing in the potty all morning!! With no pee on the floor. The only wetness is due to Luke not pulling his pants down far enough before he starts peeing!! We are all shocked!!! Joseph is the one that potty trained Caleb and has the magic touch! I am honestly amazed! Joseph is a ROCKSTAR!!

On another note, I want to thank all of you who have come to help and those of you that have been sending prayers to Father on our behalf! We have the most amazing family and friends and this last year has reminded us how blessed we are. You all have been a living testimony to our neighbors who have seen the people in our lives come to our need. From meals being delivered for months to friends and family flying in from all over the country to help us, many people have commented on how blessed we have been and we couldn't agree more. God has most certainly provided, once again, beyond what we could have ever imagined!

Update on our drama:
  • My bleeding nipples are all better!!! I know you were all dying to know!!
  • Our thrush is getting better!
  • While I have been blogging Luke pooped in the potty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • The girls are sleeping AWESOME at night!
  • We LOVE having our Daddy home!

1 comment:

Changes Within said...

What a time span that has gone by with so much growth and strength that has been displayed by the wonder of His amazing Love to meet your every need. Luke Bear Nana is buying you some big boy under wear, what do you want? Thomas or Shrek? Sweet girls, your so sweet to get your beauty sleep all night for Mommy to have lots of engery for all of you the next day. Count your blessings one by one, see what God has done. LOVE YOU ALL NANA