And here they are dressed and ready to go! We have Anakin, Obi Won, and two little Ewoks. I could not for the love of me get the Ewoks to cooperate for a photo! So, you may not be able to tell what they are. If I let them stand they would walk away...ugh! It was frustrating. And of course The Love had to work tonight, so he was so bummed to have missed this! This is probably the last time that I will be able to do a group theme costume... and I worked hard on the little ewoks, you win some, you lose some! I think I needed more of the force...!
"They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor." ~Isaiah 61:3
Friday, October 31, 2008
The great pumpkin carving extravaganza!!





Things are getting trickier to do this year with Joseph's schedule. It was hard to find a day we could go to the pumpkin patch and hard to find a time to carve pumpkins. Both things are yearly traditions, and while we didn't find the ideal time to do either, we still made time!
For pumpkin carving, we decided that it would be way easier to do when after the girls went to bed. Way easier! The boys did fantastic and Caleb carved his whole pumpkin by himself!! Unfortunately I do not have a picture of his finished product, but trust me when I say it was pretty impressive!
This year The Love carved the pumpkin while I read the following poem:
By: Liz Curtis Higgs
I'm glad that we used that poem because I later heard Caleb explaining what our pumpkin meant to one of the neighbor kids. A couple weeks ago, Caleb asked me if Halloween glorifies God. Man, while I am so unprepared for him to ask such thoughtful & insightful questions, I LOVE that he asks them. It keeps me on my toes and makes me think!!
Last year we used the following poem:
A visit to the Pumpkin Patch!
Daddy holding his Beauties at the sing-a-long!
Aren't the sisters cute?! I made the girls (and boys!) shirts and got the idea from Family Fun. They came out pretty cute if I do say so myself!
The kids all waiting, with instruments, for the sing-a-long to start.
Lily Kate is cracking me up with this little snarly face. She was making it all day long and I captured it in almost every picture!
Scarecrow Caleb
All our friends (minus Miss Lees). In this photo there are 2 Caleb's and 2 Luke's!! To think that when we picked out our boys names, we knew NO ONE with the same name!
Our family photo!!! People, this is as good as it gets...
Mama and her Pumpkins! The boys painting their pumpkins.




And this is what the girl's did on the way home!! This is the best picture I could get because I had to take the picture while driving because Joseph was asleep next to me. My man took one for the team - he worked all night the night before and came straight from the hospital, so that we could go to the patch with our friends. By the time we drove home his lack of sleep had caught up with him!
It was truly a great day!
WW Friday
So this is going to have to be quick because I am so excited about Halloween I can hardly stand it.
I weighed in this morning and lost .2 pounds. I'm thrilled I didn't gain after a week like last week and figure a loss is a loss. I had 3 kids with fever, I was sick and I had a monthly visitor that brings me nothing but the desire to eat chocolate, crabbiness and weight gain! We ate out a lot last week and I didn't do a great job sticking to WW. Yeah, it wasn't a great "eating" week.
As far as the exercise front, that wasn't so good either!
Saturday - nothing!
Sunday - nothing! (the girls and I were sick!)
Monday - lifting chest/triceps, but no cardio (still felt crummy!)
Tuesday - ran 6 miles!! (terrible time though - couldn't get under a 9:50 mile)
Wednesday - lifted back/biceps, no cardio (still felt crummy and got to the gym late because Luke had fever!
Thursday - ran 5 miles (much better time - 9:11 mile)
Friday - class at the gym
I hope to have a better report next week! But just remembered that I probably won't because my parents are in town this weekend and Joseph's birthday is next week! We'll see...
Friday, October 24, 2008
WW Friday
I am 1.2 pounds lighter!!
And while I am excited, I am also frustrated with the s-l-o-w progress. I'm running 15 miles a week, lifting 3 days a week and tagging 30 min of cardio on the end of my lift days.
With that said, I must confess that I also splurge on the weekends and eat whatever I want. Hmmm. Yeah, I should be thankful that there is weight loss instead of whining that it's not enough!
I have noticed significant changes in my body. The Love has as well. Oh, has he noticed.
All in all, a loss is a loss and I'll take it!
1000th post!
I digress.
This month is also my 3 year bloggy-versary. 3 years of blogging is pretty much a miracle for a girl that has serious issues with follow-through! If there would have been a 'Follows through with everything she starts' category, I would probably have gotten a minus as well...hmmm.
So, in honor of my 1000 post, I thought that I would write 1000 things about me.
I seriously would never bore you with that. I'm not that
Here goes...
- I have never broken a bone...
- Unless you count my nose which my mom says I broke when I was a baby and fell out of my crib. Lots of people don't count the nose because they say it's cartilage - tomato, tomato?
- I digress all the time. It drives, The Love nuts!
- When I was a child I wanted to be a truck driver.
- I am obsessed with cleaning...
- and 409 is my favorite cleaning product...
- followed closely by the magic eraser.
- My parents divorced when I was 5.
- When I sleep at night, I have to sleep with a fan on.
- My favorite food in the whole, wide, world is pizza. Love it!! Could eat it every day.
- I bungee jumped when I was 18.
- I would love to go sky diving someday.
- My dream vacation, for just The Love and I, is Tahiti. I want to stay in a bungalow, with a glass bottom, that is perched above the water.
- My dream vacation, for the whole family, is to take a year off from life and travel all the continents together.
- The first dream vacation will happen, the second one will probably only be a month or two and through Europe - says The Love. I can compromise...sometimes.
- I'm neither a night person or a morning person.
- When I was in 5th grade I sang, "Thy Word" in front of my entire school and pee'd my pants.
- After my 3 pregnancies I have cut my hair off and given it to Locks of Love.
- I never finished my degree...
- and have no regrets about that.
- I bite my fingernails and find that absolutely disgusting.
- I love to go to the gym.
- I was adopted when I was 3 months old...
- and am CONVINCED I'm my mother's favorite!
- When I was a child I took ice skating lessons for many years.
- I scrapbook in the evenings...
- and am currently working on the girlies scrapbooks.
- My first kiss was a boy who had braces and I was terrified our braces would get stuck together. They didn't.
- I do not want to be cremated when I die - Did you hear that Love?!
- I am terrible at returning email.
- Colorado is my favorite state.
- I have vivid dreams that I typically remember.
- I LOVE Halloween and costumes!!
- Someday I want to have a house in the mountains.
- And one by the sea.
- I was 1, of about 35, chosen out of 800 applicants to open a Planet Hollywood in St. Louis. (It was pretty spectacular and about as close to be a celebrity that I will ever get. I know, pretty pathetic!)
- I have a 110 pound dog named Titan.
- I love John Denver.
- I eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every day for breakfast.
- I used to be a voracious reader.
- While I don't have much time to read anymore, I still manage a book every couple of months.
- My favorite author is Ken Gire.
- When I was a kid we didn't have a tv.
- I have the worst memory when it comes to movies. I can never remember what a movie was about.
- Except for the Sound of Music. It's my all time favorite movie!
- I was voted 'Most Outgoing' for my Senior class and tied for 'Best Dressed'.
- I have very eclectic taste in music.
- I make up the most odd nick-names for my children.
- I love commas and overuse them all the time.
- When I met Joseph I knew he wanted to be a doctor...
- I just didn't really know what that meant!
- I love school supplies.
- I crave depth & authenticity - in relationships, conversations..
- and I have a hard time with surface - relationships, conversations, ect.
- Target is my favorite store.
- Followed very closely by White House Black Market.
- Joseph and I want to do medical missions some day!
- The Hills is on my DVR - so embarrassing to admit!
- I'm faithful about going to the dentist every 6 months.
- And I like to start my kids early and am faithful about their appointments.
- I would consider myself shy. I really am an introvert stuck in an extroverts body!
- I love to make lists.
- I watch Super Nanny to feel better about my parenting skills.
- I once received a $100 tip!
- Since being in the military I have always been a part of a Spouses Club.
- Christmas music makes me happy.
- I have a tendency to take on leadership roles.
- I grew up going to church...
- but never really encountered The One who changed my life until I was 22.
- I love reese's peanut butter cups!
- If I had to get a job, I would want to be a real estate agent.
- Until I was about 12 I believed there were unicorns.
- I take care of all the monthly finances in out house...
- and hate it!
- I drink (minimally) 2 quarts of Christal Light a day. (there are probably carcinogens in it that will kill me when I'm 40!)
- I always considered myself to be a free spirit...
- until I had kids. Now I am a total control freak.
- I have a really hard time hanging up on telemarketers.
- One of my all time favorite verses is Micah 6:8.
- I'm really proud of myself for being able to run 5 miles...
- and hope that I can increase that without injury.
- I like pretty note cards.
- I've watched the entire series of Dawson's Creek. And cried when it ended!
- I don't have a lot of holiday decorations...
- but wish I did.
- When I was 10 my dad took us on a 3 month vacation around the western part of the US..
- Then the next summer we did the eastern part.
- If I didn't open the mail in our house, no one would.
- When I make dinner, I like for all colors to be represented.
- I like coach purses.
- I tell Joseph the same stories over and over because I forget that I've told him.
- I wish my hubby had a job where he made $200 a year and never had to go to work.
- I use the Max Lucado bible for my quiet time devotions.
- I am the complete opposite of a pack rat.
- I slept in Denali National park while I was 7 months pregnant...
- while sharing the tent with a 2 year old.
- I have been within 20 feet of a wild bear on several occasions.
- I really, really, really like jewelry.
- I love to organize things.
- I'm shocked I came up with 100 things about myself!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Whirlwind Weekend Report
It began Friday afternoon when my mama arrived full of energy and excitement to see her "babies". I think she was here for a total of 7 minutes before The Love and I said bye to the kids and went out on our date! It has been a couple of weeks since we had a "date night" and that is a week too long for us. There are a few new restaurants that I have been wanting to try out, but we were short on time, so will be trying those out later. We ended up eating at Carino's for their 2 can Dine for $19.99. How can you really pass that up? Soup/salad, bread, main course and dessert! YUM!
After our dinner we went to our first small group bible study at church. Our church just started these and we are badly in need of a small group to join. We had been attending a couples bible study, and while we really love all the people, it was pretty heavy & intense on study and too light & weak in fellowship and application for where we are in life right now. So these small groups from church came just in the perfect time. I was hesitant on whether or not we should go, but was thrilled when we left. It was awesome! Heavy on relationship building and accountability and biblical application. We are really excited!!
Saturday arrived with shopping, garage selling, soccer games, rearranging the boys room, and volunteering at Luke's school! What a day!! I'm thankful that my mama was here because I'm just not sure that I could have done it all solo.
This morning we went to church and afterwards, went to the church picnic where Joseph got "bath-tized" (as Luke calls it!) He was baptized as a child and decided that he wanted to be baptized, by immersion, like Jesus was.



Great end to a great weekend!
Friday, October 17, 2008
WW Friday
I gained .6 pounds.
Yep, it's true. And my reaction to the news? No big deal, not too concerned.
It has been a yucky week. I missed a couple of days at the gym because I felt awful all week. Even today I'm still not feeling back to normal. Out of desperation I have even taken drugs. And not just 1 drug, but 2!! NyQuil and Sudafed. Those of you that know me, know I must have been close to death to take medicine. And those of you that know me, know I must also be very ill not to go the gym. I did try one day and ran 2 miles before I felt like I was dying and had to quit and go home! Yeah, I was sick.
When I weighed in this am at my WW meeting, I was more than half way through my 32oz. bottle (I drink minimally 3 a day!) and had a full (seriously full) bladder. I'm sure that didn't help my weight loss. At least I am consoling myself with those excuses.
So, all in all, I'm going to label this week - CRAP and have much higher hopes for next week!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Rambling Tuesday
Yesterday I had my first quarterly parent/teacher conference. It went well and Caleb is doing excellent. His teacher said that he reads beyond the level of anyone else in the classroom and often reads to his friends during "free time". So cute! He also mentions that he likes to talk a lot. Hmmm...not even remotely a news flash for me!
Caleb has been driving me crazy lately. While I am thrilled with his love of learning there are more than a few moments in the day where it makes me nuts. He is in this spelling mode right now. He LOVES to spell out everything. When he calls for Joseph or I, he will spell out, "M-O-M" or "D-A-D". He will follow me around the house spelling things. Sounds innocent enough right? WRONG!! It is so annoying when I have one 16 month old pulling everything off the dining room table, another 16 month old armed with a marker, and a 4 year old sitting on the toilet yelling, "Mom, I went poop. Come wipe my bottom!" and he is following me around spelling, "m-o-m-w-h-e-n-a-r-e-y-o-u-t-a-c-k-i-n-g-m-e-t-o-s-k-o-l?" Inevitable there are a few words spelled wrong and then there is the fact that I can't concentrate on what he's saying long enough to answer him, so he will repeat it over and over. It's chaos. Maddening chaos!
We were also supposed to go to the pumpkin patch yesterday, but the rain (that almost never happens in our area) thwarted my plan, so we began rearranging the playroom and too the boys to Chucks for lunch. They love going with Daddy and we all had a good time. Even the girls like going to Chucks. They haven't seen the big rat yet...
We recently decided that it was time to move the boys out of the playroom and into their rooms. I'm tired of trying to patrol the Legos, markers, and million of other small dangerous pieces that the girls are drawn to like magnets. And now that all the boys toys are out, the playroom looks so bare! Poor little Darlings don't have much in way of toys. I can't wait to get them a doll house (or 2, or 10!) but for now it is going to have to remain bare since we are funneling all extra money to all the new storage that we will have to buy for the boys room. Have no fear though, my mom is coming this weekend and won't let her babies go without! Between this weekend and in two more weeks when she comes for our girls trip to the outlets, I have no doubt that the girls will have plenty soon!
The weather here is finally getting cooler. And I am so thankful for that for many reasons, the main one being that my kids spend significantly more time outside when it's not in the 90's out! Yesterday afternoon they were out for 5 hours playing with the neighbor kids. My kids are outdoor children and I am definitely an outdoor mom. Except for when it's hot. The bad thing is that while I needed a nap, I didn't want to be sleeping with the kids outside. I got a lot done, but no nap.
But all that is about to change since the Darlings are back at school today. It's 12:38pm and all will be quiet in my house for another 2 hours and 45 min, so I think I'm going to take that nap. A long, long nap.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
What is a Military Wife?
What is a Military Wife?
They may look different and each is wonderfully unique
But this they have in common: lots of moving ---
moving far from home, moving two cars, three kids and one dog - all riding with HER, of course
moving sofas to basements because they won't go in THIS house
moving curtains that won't fit
moving jobs and certifications and professional development hours
moving away from friends
moving toward new friends
moving or storing her most important luggage: her trunk full of memories
often waiting ---
waiting for housing
waiting for orders
waiting for deployment
waiting for reunions
waiting for phone calls
waiting for the new curtains to arrive
waiting for him to come home dinner.
They call her 'military dependent', but she knows better:
She can balance a checkbook,
handle the yard work, and fix a noisy toilet.
She is intimately familiar with drywall, anchors,and toggle bolts.
She can file the taxes, sell a house, buy a car, or set up a move--all with ONE Power of Attorney.
She welcomes neighbors that don't welcome her.
Reinvents her career with every PCS;
locates a house in the desert, the arctic, the deep south or overseas and learns to call all 'home.' She MAKES them all home.
She is fiercely IN-dependent.
Military Wives are somewhat hasty---
They leap into decorating, leadership, volunteering, career alternatives, churches and friendships.
They don't have 15 years to get to know people.
Their roots are short but flexible.
They plant annuals for themselves and perennials for those who come after them.
Military Wives quickly learn to value each other. They connect over coffee, rely on the spouse-network, and accept offers of friendship and favors and record addresses in pencil.
Military Wives have a common bond---
The Military Wife has a husband unlike other husbands.
His commitment is unique. He doesn't have a job, he has a 'mission,' he can't just decide to quit.
He's on-call for his country 24/7 but for you, he's the most...Unreliable guy in town...
His language is foreign: TDY, PCS, OPR, ACC, BDUAnd so, a Military Wife is a translator for her family and his.
She is the long-distance link to keep them informed; the glue that holds them together.
Military Wife has her moments---
She wants to wring his neck, dye his uniform pink, and refuse to move to Siberia.
But she pulls herself together.
Give her a few days, a travel brochure, a long hot bath, a pledge to the flag, and a wedding picture.
And she goes.
She packs.
She moves.
She follows.
What for?
How come?
You may think it is because she has lost her mind.
But actually it is because she has lost her heart.
It was stolen from her by a man who puts duty first,who salutes the flag,whose boots in the doorway remind her that as long as he is her Military husband,
She will remain his Military wife.
Friday, October 10, 2008
What you won't read on CNN's ticker...
The Dow is dropping.
Interest rates are rising.
Financial security is plummeting.
Everyone is in jeopardy of financial crisis.
The political zoo is heating up.
Yada, yada, yada..
Here is some news that's not making CNN: I have some numbers for you - 2.4 & 6.8 - That is, 2.4 pounds I lost last week and 6.8 pounds I've lost in the past 2 weeks!! WHOO-HOO!
I joined Weight Watchers 2 weeks ago and am attending the meetings. I've done WW off and on for the past year, on my own, with very little success. So I decided to attend the meetings and see if that helped. And it has!
So, today I got my 5 pound sticker (indicating to all that I have lost 5 pounds) and I got a "bravo" sticker because my WW leader thinks it's amazing that I get to the meetings (kids in tow!) and that I have 4 kids, 6 and under, and that I get to the gym at least 5 days a week. People are funny. Little do they know that, as far as kids go, I am status quo for my circle of (well, Minot) friends!! And I go to the gym so much because it is a great place to take the kids when
In other news, did y'all notice that I put a new little gadget on the side of my blog? I put a little weight loss ticker there. I figure that it will hold me accountable to know that the 5 people that read my blog may check to see how my progress is coming along.
If you feel so inclined to, check out that ticker and feel free to hold me accountable every now and then! I need it.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Got my butt kicked today...
My trekking class at the gym is hardcore. Remember I told y'all about it? Well I have been going for the past couple of weeks and am AMAZED at the improvement there has been to my running. Last Thursday I ran 5 miles in less than 50 minutes! 5 miles!! Remember when I thought this was a big deal?
Today our instructor must have woken up feeling a little sassy because she was...something. We ran 4 1/2 miles of HILLS. H-I-L-L-S, people. And if that wasn't enough, after each mile she made us run sprints (3times), do (30) pushups, and then spend 3 minutes moving fast on the stair-stepper. The the first minute back on the treadmill we did shoulder presses with 15 pd. weights. Then it was time to run hills for another mile so we could do it all over again. Craziness.
I have never sweat so much or worked so hard. Or felt so good...afterwards.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Are there any good options out there?
After her Katie Couric interview, I can understand why they aren't letting her speak to the media, but come on...I'd like to hear her speak, unrehearsed, some time before the elections. It makes me really nervous that she isn't doing interviews. And then when I do hear her speak I really don't love the junk that she is talking about: Obama in cahoots with terrorists (puhleeeze!), Reverend Wright (old news) and if I hear the word "maverick" one more time...
Yeah, I'm not sounding very loyal. I agree. I'm just disappointed. And irritated. And annoyed. And I don't like either the donkeys or the elephants much these days!
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Soccer season is here!!








Luke is super excited this year because one of his best buddies, Drew, is on his team! How fun is that?! Drew's mommy and I are really good friends too, so that is fun for me too! Before each game they do a good sportsmanship pledge with the players and their parents. Here are Caleb and Daddy.
An action shot of Caleb. This is the year that they start to teach the kids positions and have them stay in their positions. I wasn't sure how Caleb would like that, but he loves it. His coach is a yeller. I hadn't met him, but after the first practice Joseph came home and warned me that the coach was nice but he only had 1 volume level and it was LOUD! And boy was he right. It perturbs me, but it doesn't bother Caleb, so I'm trying to overlook it. It's hard.
Here is a picture of the Love and I before we got into our HUGE fight. Part of the problem was that I had a long, exhausting day and had only slept 5 hours the night before. I had no break all day and was completely worn out. Lack of sleep + single parenting + no personal time all day = BAD combination.
Good news is that no matter how bad the argument we are still in love at the end of the day! I heart that man!!!
Public Serive Announcement
Saturday, October 04, 2008
What's going on at The Mad House?
I have been a bad blogger because in my very limited spare time I either want to sleep, catch up on my dvr shows, sleep, scrapbook or I'm on stinkin' facebook! Facebook is really the culprit of keeping me away from my little blog. FB is really a very odd thing. I find all these people that I want to be friends with, but a. I have no idea if they will remember me (even though I have been told often that once you meet me it's hard to forget me - not sure if that's a good or bad thing!) b. IF they do remember me, what if they don't want to be my friend, c. do I really want to be friends with all these random people that I will probably never talk to again (on FB or any other venue). So, while it is fun watching my number of very random friends grow, FB is also making me feel like I am back in 9th grade,the new kid on the block and bringing back some really silly high school insecurities. But it is really fun finding old friends... And therein lies my love/hate relationship with FB. I really need to get a life!
But, I do have one that is keeping me very busy, just not busy enough to ward off the lure of FB. Here is a quick update on the past week at The Mad House:
Lovey: has been on nights for a while. I don't mind them so much because I have no boundaries and when I really miss him I will "accidentally" wake him up. It's been nice because he usually wakes up shortly after the boys get home from school and the girls wake up from their afternoon naps. That is the time in this house when there is mass chaos. A good time for him to be awake. He's in the ER this month and loves it! I'm glad too, because I would really be sad if we went through all this work and he didn't like what he was doing! Do you like how I say "we"? Hmm. One word: I-wonder-why-I-always-make-it-all-about-me?!
Caleb: LOVES school. Loves it! And I am happy for him. He got off the (very posh) school bus yesterday and (before even saying hi) says, "Can I use the phone? I need to make a phone call. Oh, and do you mind if I borrow the laptop? I need to use the computer too." Um, hi, I missed you too. Aren't you in kindergarten? Who in the world do you need to call? Yeah, he's definitely enjoying the social life of school. He told his papa and I yesterday that the girls chase him on the playground. And then once they get him, they hit him and act all weird. Papa Bear told him to get use to that one...women act weird a lot. Hmm. I don't think he's speaking from experience...?
Luke: loves school too. And is doing really well. I don't know if it is his age or his new school, but he's really into 'learning'. He likes to color and is spending lots of time these days doing little coloring projects. A little different for the active child who for the longest time would only use black crayons (and only use black paper, markers & paint!) and his desire to color was for a very short span of time. I'm really glad we are out of that stage. I was terrified that 'goth' would be in my future! Luke really loves his teachers, Ms Lawhorn and Ms Pope (he calls them "Miss Longhorn and Miss Poke!) and knows everyone in the class by name. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that they know him by "Luke". I was dropping him off the other day and as I was leaving his class, one of his classmates dad called out to me and said, "Is your son the one that likes to be called Anakin?" Um, did you know?! "Oh, my son comes home and talks about him all the time. He says that your son will only answer if they call him Anakin or Young Anakin." Hmm. One word: at-least-he's-not-using-black-crayons!
Lily Kate: is still not walking. And it's totally NOT because she doesn't know how. It's because she is in a hurry, doesn't like to fall, and can get where she needs to go by crawling. This is completely indicative of her personality. I have fear that she is going to be a Type A/Perfectionist. Just like her biggest brother and Daddy. Lily Kate is my girl that is very particular, likes to be held, whines when she doesn't get what she wants and when she smiles she crinkles her nose - it is THE cutest thing ever - and melts hearts! Melting hearts = getting her way. Hmm. Can you say, "M-a-n-i-p-u-l-i-t-i-v-e!"
Ella: is everywhere and into everything. She goes from room to room all day, dismantling or moving things. Things are rarely where they belong anymore and it is all due to her handy work! Ella is curious, adventurous, easy going, clumsy, and adorable! She is more "tomboy" than Lily Kate, but still loves shoes, purses and her clothes. Hmm. Can you say, "Like-mama-like-daughter?"
The twins: are becoming a LOT of work. Up until now they have remained fairly contained, but we recently opened up their boundaries and let them off the carpet. I am regretting that decision. They are keeping me busy. And making me exhausted. They are also getting more aggressive towards one another. When they fight, they have no problem hitting or pulling hair. They are vicious! But they like to kiss and make-up too!! As much as they are work, they are fun too! They love to sing, kiss, dance, laugh with each other, eat and are often getting in trouble together. The boys love their little sisters and celebrate any new thing that they learn. Luke, who up until recently has shown little interest in playing with the twins, has been making up little games to play with them while Caleb is at school. It's pretty stinkin' cute! I am so thankful for my kids and their love for one another!!
I have been busy doing... I don't even know! I feel like I should have all this free time since I have one child in school full time and another part time, but instead I just feel like we are busier than ever. It's not a bad busy, just an at-the-end-of-the-day-I-am-exhausted-and-I-can't-figure-out-what-I-accomplished busy! I have been going to the gym and trying to lose weight. Last week I joined WW and am going to the meetings. I have been excited by my progress thus far: I lost 4.5 pounds last week!! Very excited. I am working out a lot too and able to get to the gym at least 5 days a week! And loving it. My last run (Thursday) was 4 miles at a 9 minute mile pace. Not breaking any world records, but I am thrilled with my progress and have definitely caught the running bug! One word: obsessed!
I am also thrilled to announce that I am almost done with Luke's scrapbook!!! I have been working on it a lot over the past couple of months and all I have left to document is his first birthday. Then it's on to the girls!! One word: YEAH!
Whew! Are y'all still reading? I just wanted to give an update on the Mad House. Sorry it turned into a novel!