Friday, July 17, 2009

I'm not sure who is learning more... or the kids I'm "teaching"?

Today is the last day of VBS. Whew, it has been a crazy week. Crazy busy, crazy tiring, crazy hectic, crazy fun, crazy overwhelming, crazy crazy!

I signed up to teach 2nd and 3rd graders with my girl, Emily, and it has been wild. God has been teaching me SO much through this past week. We are sharing BIG, hard truths with theses kids and are not dumbing it down. It has definitely not just been a "Jesus loves you, pass the potatoes" week.

Really, God has been teaching me lots and I want to tell you all of it, but I have to get ready or we will miss the last day. Super quick, though, our first day was 1 John 3:1 "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" That word 'lavish' has been bugging me all week and while I like Merriam's idea of "bestowing profusely" I read something this morning that is rocking my little world!!!

If you never click another link that I direct you to, please click this last one. It's a little lengthy, but absolutely amazing. And if it seems too lengthy or you just want the part that is shaking my world the most, scroll down to the John Piper quote.

I keep reading it and can't get enough!
Seriously better than ice cream!!!



Michele said...

John Piper's quote also stuck with me when I read that same LPM post last week. God moves in and there is a family resemblance. That is heady stuff. And I long for that resemblance to be evident, and cringe when so many times it is not because I put on some mask of this life's mess. A covering that distorts what He is trying to do in me.
love you

Sab Mad said...

I love that you get 'it' and I LOVE that you get me!
I miss you, your resemblance to God, hearing you pray and being in your presence.
You are amazing and wise and I am thankful you call me friend. I love you M!