Sunday, August 16, 2009

Just another day around the Mad House

My boy is home safe and sound from his first sleep over and he had a blast. That boys is growing up!! He's already asking when he can have his friends over to spend the night. It's hard to believe that we are already at this place in life... Luke had a hard time without his big brother around, especially when it was time to go to sleep last night. It took him a while to fall asleep and he informed me (several times) that he doesn't like to sleep in the dark - well, son you've been doing it for almost 5 years and haven't had a problem. Lucky for Luke, Daddy wasn't home and that I am a sucker and let him sleep with his fish tank light on. Fish probably got no sleep, but I did.

Which is a good thing because I have 50 people coming over for a playdate tomorrow, the house is a mess and Love is out of town. Okay, so perhaps 50 is an exaggeration. The exact number is 49. 49 people coming over in the morning. One of the ladies that RSVP'ed called me "brave". Hmmm, that is definitely NOT the word I would use. Crazy and insane come to mind. It will definitely be a 'manic Monday' - full of blog fodder, I'm sure.

Speaking of tomorrow, a week from tomorrow is the first day of school. I can't believe that summer is almost already over!!! UGH...that was way too fast for me. Seriously. It has been fun (most of the time) having all my babies with me all day. I love watching them interact with one another (most of the time) and we have had a great routine (once again, most of the time). It's crazy - I will have 2 kids in school full time this year and I can't even imagine what it will be like. Just me and the sisters. Me vs. 2 kids! Cake right?? Well, maybe not. They are two year olds. I'm excited and nervous and sad, all at the same time. That first day is going to be so hard for me...

So, let's not think about things that make me sad, let's think about things that bring me great joy - school supplies!! I love shopping for school supplies, wandering up and down the aisles, the smell of paper and folders and crayons, new lunch boxes and backpacks...

Except when I take all 4 kids! Oh, mercy, it was bad. I spent $60 dollars, didn't even get half of the supplies I needed or a backpack or lunchboxes, but did end up with a cart full of ripped crayon boxes and folders thanks to the sisters. They were terrible. Just awful. Then I got yelled at by some man because Luke was blocking the aisle and wouldn't move. He was so rude and muttered something about 'moms needing to get control of their children'. Unfortunately we ran into him again after the sisters threw their cheetos (that I got to keep them busy!) on the ground so we were blocking the aisle with 2 bags of cheetos dumped on the floor. He was so disgusted he rolled his eyes at me, grunted and stomped off. I had visions of knocking him down to the floor and letting the kids throw cheetos at him, but perhaps we shouldn't talk about my visions...

On our way out of the store Caleb very matter-of-factly says to me, "Well, that wasn't too bad. The twins didn't rip apart the whole store. Next time we run errands, I really think you should get a babysitter for the sisters."

Yep, that boy is growing up.


Elizabeth said...

That's a smart boy! Better yet, if you can, leave ALL the kids at home. I actually got to do that tonight and it was so wonderful.

I feel ya on the school supplies. We spent a lot this year for the big kids, and we're still missing two things.

Good luck with your big ole playdate. Have fun!

Dvans said...

So funny, as always! I love that your posts so often bring a smile to my face! :)

Sincerely Anna said...

Mini is TERRIBLE in the store, too, so I can't even imagine how quickly you want to get out of there with twins. It's such a hard season...but it too goes fast. I can't believe Caleb how mature Caleb looks in the photos on your last post with his camo sleeping bag and backpack. You can call me anytime and we'll boo hoo together on how fast our boys are growing up.

Anonymous said...

I get dirty looks in the store too when my big boys horse end in sight!