Friday, November 21, 2008

WW Friday

Not good news. And I'm really discouraged.

Here is a peek at why I GAINED .02 pounds:

Friday - lifted, 30 min. of cardio
Saturday - nothing
Sunday - nothing
Monday - lifted, 45 min. of cardio
Tuesday - ran 5 miles at a 9:03/m pace
Wednesday - lifted, 45 min. of cardio
Thursday - ran 5 miles of intervals.

We didn't eat out much at all, so I have no idea why there was a gain. Depressing.

1 comment:

Jessi said...

In my not-so-expert opinion...I'd say you're putting on muscle. Girl, with all of that lifting you did last week plus the 5 MILES of weren't just burning calories.

Good job on staying the course with regards to eating healthy at home....eating out is such a diet/healthy lifestyle "deal breaker".