Thursday, January 15, 2009

I'm still here...

I have a couple of minutes so I thought that I would quickly recap the past couple of days that I have been absent. Here are the highlights:

Monday: Cleaned my own house! My cleaners called an cancelled and I seriously couldn't wait a second longer so went to the store, bought some cleaning supplies (I didn't have anything other than Clorox wipes) and cleaned my little heart out. Since I don't heavy cleaning very often it was fun! But I was reminded at the end of the day why we have cleaners. And we aren't getting rid of them anytime soon!!

Tuesday: Did more laundry than any human should ever do in one day. Make that one week.

Wednesday: Went to a new ladies bible study!! I have been really wanting to join a study and have been looking for one that had a good mix of women from all walks of life, had childcare and met at a time that would work to get Luke to school...and God provided!! I'm super excited about the ladies and the topic is prayer. I have high hopes for this study! After the study, Love and I went on a lunch date!

Thursday: Well, so far I went to yoga and on my way home I noticed that I missed a call from my sister. So I called the girl back and she informed me that she is coming here this afternoon for a long weekend!

And that sums up what has been happening around here lately.

In other news, I am really struggling with some decisions that have to be made in the next couple of months. It's time to evaluate the school situations for Caleb and Luke. There are things that I have loved about Caleb's school and things that I haven't all. Since we are paying a chunk of change to send him to his school, I need to decide whether those things I don't like outweigh the things I do like. I always want to keep options open for schooling the kids - public, private and even homeschool. I am praying about it and would love it if you would pray with me. It really is causing some anxiety.

Another thing that is causing anxiety is my knee. 31 days until my half marathon and the ortho doc said to lay off running for 2 weeks. It has 7 days since I last ran and my knee is still hurting even when I walk. To say that I am bummed is an understatement. I know it sounds so petty, but it really is something that is hard for me right now.

Well, I'm off to make my grocery list.... Thanks for taking the time to listen to me!


Melonie said...

Thanks for the update. I will pray for your knee and your school situation. We are currently in the "evaluation" stage for Drake's schooling also. He goes to public school, and there are things I like, and like you, things I really don't. We don't have the option of private school, but we're trying to rationally sort through the pros and cons of public school vs. homeschool for next year. I'll be interested to see what you guys come up with!

Elizabeth said...

I don't run b/c it hurts my knees, so I know that's frustrating. I hope it heals quickly so you can get back to it. I know you love it.

The school decision is hard for us too. But since I won't homeschool we are kind of stuck. I'm just hoping we move soon to a place where we have more options. If I could pick anything it would be a Montessori school. Is there one nearby?

Even though they didn't come this week, I am still jealous of your cleaners. I could use one everyday!

Michele said...

I'm praying. Hard choices in looking at school issues.
love ya