Wednesday, September 12, 2007

DANIEL - week 1

We just finished week one of our Daniel study and it was delicious!!! One of my favorite quotes of Beth this week was:

"While Babylon did everything it could to indoctrinate their minds and steal their souls, God granted the young men His own knowledge and understanding in every matter. In other words, whatever Babylon taught them, God interpreted to them. They learned the language, literature, and customs all right, but only so God could use them in the midst of it. They read the language of their culture with the lens of God. Thereby, they became culturally relevant without becoming spiritually irrelevant. Against all odds, they retained a God-centered worldview so that ultimately the world could view their God. Amazing." (Bold print was my addition.)
D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S! I especially love this as a prayer for my kids. Replace "Babylon" with "today's culture" and this is the perfect thing I want to pray for my family. I so want our kids to be bright lights in the world, boldly sharing their love for their Savior. The desire of my heart is that my family is always finding ways to reach out to the lost people all around us without becoming lost ourselves. Huge prayer...reaching the ears of a HUGE God!

1 comment:

Esquire's Wife said...

I highlighted, squiggled, and underlined that whole paragraph in my study, too! It's the headliner for our blog now! Oh, to have the resolve of Daniel!