Monday, September 17, 2007

To homeschool or not to homeschool...this is the question!

Never say never.

5 years ago, back when Caleb was first born and I thought I knew everything about parenting, I would have laughed if you would have told me that I would be considering homeschool as an option for our family. And here I am 3 kids later, more experienced in parenting, sure I know nothing about what I'm doing, and considering homeschooling.

I have been putting this whole question of school on the back burner and I have to make a decision this year. Caleb was eligible for kindergarten this year, but we held him back because if his late birthday, because I wasn't sure if I wanted him to go to a public school, private school or if we wanted to homeschool him and because I wasn't ready to send him off yet. Well, the time is quickly approaching.

This is such a huge decision that Joseph and I have to make. Joseph would love me to homeschool, but would never make me do anything and knows that whatever we chose I will be the one with the responsibility to see it through. So he is letting me make the decision and wants to support me 100%. So much pressure.

I have been praying about it and still find myself so fickle. Last week I wasn't going to homeschool for anything and this week I'm so excited at the idea of it. Joseph and I did set a date by which we have to make a decision. December 14. Less than 3 months. I'm terrible with deadlines...

I'm SURE there will be more to come on this subject.

1 comment:

The Dan said...

Lots of prayer on this one...IMHO kids need community. That's all.