Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Daniel- week 2

We finished week 2 of our Daniel study and what I learned is twofold. First of all, God is in charge! Secondly, it's not all about me! The first one was easy to believe, but the second thing I learned was not so easy for me to believe. (What! The whole world doesn't revolve about me?! When did that happen?)

When explaining the meaning of "providence", Beth quotes
Harper's Bible Dictionary as saying, "This God has a plan and purpose for us in this world. Providence is not a principle of orderliness or reason; rather, providence is the will of the Creator who is actively involved in moving his creation to a goal. History is not a cynical process of repetition; history is being moved toward the predetermined end."

Beth goes on to say, "A thesaurus might use words such as fate, chance, and luck as synonyms for 'providence' but those words find no room in the divine definition. God's providence is intentional and purposeful. God's sovereignty and providence mean that He does what He pleases to accomplish His goals; and, He is pleased to involve us in His process. Afterall, His entire point in creating us was to involve us in His life."

NEWS FLASH SABRINA: God created you to be involved in His life, not the other way around! God is the focus, not you! All the things in your life should revolve around Him, not you!

I also liked her point that God is here and dwells among us. Exodus 25:8 & John 1:14 remind me of the song, "Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary. Pure and holy. Tried and true. With thanksgiving, I want to be a living sanctuary for you."

Week 2 was a very good reminder that although the God we serve is a big God, he is also a God of detail (Matt. 10:13) and cares about the details in our lives.

We did the video for week 3 and I am VERY EXCITED about it... Looks super yummy!!!


The Mother Hen said...

I like what you said about God creating us to be a part of His life - not the other way around. So true!! Thanks for the reminder. I'm often so worried about what God is going to do for me - how He's going to fix my problems - & I forget to think about what I should be doing for Him! And He still loves me in spite of myself... That's a thing of beauty...

Anonymous said...

Oh Sabrina, this study is SOOO good. It literally changed my life. It's packed FULL of good challenges and the DVDs are excellent. I think this is one of Beth Moore's best. So glad you're doing it. Hang in there with all the homework - it's totally worth it!