Saturday, March 08, 2008

Way more than you are really interested in hearing about...

I have been keeping a secret from you... And I'm only going to tell you if you promise to stand up and applaud my efforts. Are you standing? Okay, here goes..I've lost 10 pounds since New Years!! Are you so excited for me or what?! And because I am a perpetual pessimist (so my Lovey calls me "pp", but I pretend it means pretty princess...) I must also tell you that I still have 23 pounds to go. So close, yet so far away.

So, have you ever tried Nabisco's 100 calorie pack? Well, let me tell you that they are gooood! And absolutely perfect for after a meal, when I am desperate for some chocolate and can't have Reese peanut butter cups. Only problem...when you eat 3 packages in one sitting, they are no longer 100 calorie packs. FYI. Most of you probably already figured that out. It took me a little while.

This morning I took care of my friend Kellie's kids. Oh yeah baby, all-by-myself! Me and SIX kids hangin' out on a Saturday morning. I was all talkin' it up in my head, to Joseph, about how I could handle two more. Oh yeah baby. Sab Mad - mother to six! Not only was I taking care of 6 kids, I changed 7 poopy diapers, fed everyone breakfast and lunch, mopped my kitchen and the entry floors, vacuumed the entire house, cleaned the fridge out and did 2 loads of laundry. Can I get an Amen super mom?!

As my inner dialogue was high fiven', chest bumping and acting like I just finished a triathlon, it all came crashing down and reality set in... Luke locked Titan Dog in my bedroom and I couldn't get the door opened, the girls started screaming bloody murder, the little kids escaped out the back and the neighbor kid told Caleb that Titan was going to die if we didn't call the police, so he was unrelentingly begging me to dial 911. All that coupled with the fact that I told Love last night that I made the executive decision to hire cleaning people to come and clean this house every other week because I am overwhelmed... Yeah, he's not letting me have anymore. Wise man.

I told 2 of my friends to drop off their kids because I was already watching Kellie's kids and would be home. And they just laughed at me. Seriously, people think I'm crazy when I offer to watch their kids, but it's really not a big deal. After you have 3 (not that I know this for sure since I only had 3 for 3 minutes), okay maybe 4, what is one more? Or 2 more, or 3 more... And sometimes it's easier because 1 other child in the house breaks up the drama that the boys have. Maybe I should open a daycare?... THAT would be crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Sabrina your life is not boring, even the dog is drama, I could just see Caleb's panic! BUt 3 minutes compared to 18 more years, says alot, you think. Love you. MOM