Sunday, October 07, 2007

Conversations with Luke

Luke, Luke, Luke...

Luke's potty training isn't going so well. Below is the conversation that we have every after nap time (while I am changing his poopy pull-up).

Luke: Are you frustrated mom?
Me: No, Luke.
Luke: Don't be frustrated.
Me: Okay, Luke.
(he is all smiles when he says this & it's the cutest thing!)

I have no idea how he knows I am frustrated. I try really hard not to show it. It's not all his fault that this potty training thing isn't going so well. We definitely aren't working with him like we should be. Actually, we aren't working with him much at all. I am positive that if we really worked with him for a week, he would be potty trained completely before the week was over.

So you are asking yourself, "why haven't they done that?" Well, I am asking that question too!

As an end note, Luke does know how to use the potty and is more than willing if there is something in it for him. Which is probably why Potty Training 1-2-3 recommends only rewarding for staying dry or clean. Very useful information if applied!

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