The girls turned 5 months old two days ago and I know that I say this every month, but I seriously cannot believe how fast the time is flying by. Ahhhh!! Too fast!! Slow down! I can't think about it for too long or it will make me cry.
The girls have their 4 month well-baby appointment this week (we are running a little late) and it will be exciting to see how much they weigh and if they are reaching all their milestones. They are petite little things and have many friends, that were born way after them, who are way bigger than them. Yep, petite like their...not momma!
Lily Kate and Ella are going on their first road trip this week. We are going to my parent's house for a long weekend so that they can meet their great-grandma! My grandma is coming to Houston and hasn't met the girls yet, so that will be fun. I always hate going anywhere with babies. We have them on a AWESOME schedule and they are such great sleepers at night and I know this trip will mess all that up. *sigh* But it will be worth it for them to get to see their grandparents!
Someone asked me yesterday if I would have imagined 7 years ago that my life would be like this. That was actually the second time is a week that I had been asked that question. And each time I laughed! Never in my MOST wild dreams could I have imagined this! And I would never change it. (Okay, maybe when the girls are screaming because they are hungry, Luke has gone 1 &2 in his underwear and Caleb is asking a million questions....days that make you go hmmmm.)
Seriously, though, I often ask God what I did to deserve this amazing life. And the answer is nothing. THAT is the beauty of grace. Such an overused word with such a powerful meaning. Left up to my own, I would still be a drug user who was wasting life and living each day for herself. I couldn't imagine where I would be without God's intervention. Thank you Lord for each day that you are with me. The good ones, the not so good ones, the terrible ones - are all full of your grace to me.
Praise God for all the surprises He brings us in life!
Oh my! Way too (or two)cute :)
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