Monday, April 21, 2008

Have y'all missed me?....

...or did you even notice I was gone?

Life around here has been b-u-s-y. I mean, it's always busy (helllooo - as if that's not obvious) but this is abnormally busy.

We had a great weekend! I was super productive, and that my friends is what I call a great weekend. Love, on the other hand, does NOT call productivity on the weekend - a good weekend. But he was happy for me.

We are having a garage sale in 2 weeks and I wanted to have everything ready for it now. Especially since the girlie's big birthday bash is the night before the garage sale. I got everything out and priced and ready to sell. And my mama is coming in town and bringing stuff for the garage sale too. We love garage sales!

I had a dentist appt. today and have a cavity. YUCK! I try not to think about that and just concentrate on the fact that my teeth feel all smooth and look shiny. I like denial. It's easy to forget about that yucky cavity when my teeth are so purty!

Luke got bit by a wasp today and although it was traumatizing for the boy, I think it was more traumatizing for Caleb. Caleb was SO upset for his brother. He felt terrible for Luke and sobbed and sobbed. Seeing how much he loves his baby brother actually brought tears to my eyes. Luke is over it (getting a new light saber certainly helped) and Caleb was still tearing up at prayer time tonight. I never knew how compassionate my Caleb was!

And my last bit of random news is very exciting and also a prayer request. I have been asked to be coordinator of a brand new Military MOPS group here at one of the local bases. I am SOOO excited and nervous at the same time. In Minot I was part of a Military MOPS group and since then have been involved with various other groups. I love MOPS and really believe in their ministry. Starting a new group is daunting to say the least. VERY DAUNTING... Please pray.

1 comment:

Sincerely Anna said...

I'm super excited for your MOPS news! That's such a great fit for you and God has been priming you for this ministry for a long time! You are such a great example of how to reach out to the military wives with friendship in the name of Christ. Go, girl!